unixdos(windows)、mac(旧mac os,OS X 之前) 使用的换行符格式是不一样的,

unix    LF only (each line ends with an LF character).
        //Unix based systems and Mac OS X and later.

dos     CRLF (each line ends with CR then LF).
        //DOS and Windows.

mac     CR only (each line ends with a CR character).
        //Mac OS version 9 and earlier


只需要以下命令,分别设置成 unix dos mac

:set ff=unix

:set ff=dos

:set ff=mac


(vim 7.2.40 及更新版本)

dos/unix 转换成 unix

:update             Save any changes.
:e ++ff=dos         Edit file again, using dos file format.
:setlocal ff=unix   This buffer will use LF-only line endings when written.
:w                  Write buffer using unix (LF-only) line endings.

unix/dos 转换成 dos

:update         Save any changes.
:e ++ff=dos     Edit file again, using dos file format.
:w              Write buffer using dos (CRLF) line endings.


:set ffs=unix,dos
